How to Increase Facebook Page Likes and Followers

How to increase Facebook page likes and followers, a common question asked by many people. To know why we create a Facebook page you can read our detailed article “Creating a Facebook business page” on …

how to increase facebook page likes and followers

How to increase Facebook page likes and followers, a common question asked by many people. To know why we create a Facebook page you can read our detailed article “Creating a Facebook business page” on this blog. The main thing that we will discuss in our article is how to increase Facebook page likes and followers. Having more page likes and followers on your page mean more people liking your stuff and getting interest in your content. As you know Facebook page is a community of businesspeople where they advertise their products to sell and generate good revenue. So to generate good revenue you should have more followers and likes on your page.

how to increase facebook page likes and followers
how to increase Facebook page likes and followers

If you are new and want to increase your Facebook page followers and likes then I have some techniques which I follow to increase my Facebook page followers and likes and it works 100 %.

How to increase Facebook Page Likes and Followers?

There are a number of ways to increase followers on Facebook like Facebook ads for beginners or influence marketing which can bring more people to your page and help to increase Facebook likes and followers. Below are the ways which I experienced and shared with you.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads to Increase Facebook page likes and followers
Facebook Ads to Increase Facebook page likes and followers

If you are willing to increase your Facebook page followers then the first and easy way that you can use is Facebook ads. Just you have to create a beautiful and engaging post, target your audience and area from where you want to get likes and run Facebook ads. It will help you to increase more followers on your page. If you have a business and want to promote your products then make your business-related post called “conversion” ads and run Facebook ads, In this way, people will engage in your brand and you can also analyze your audience, what type of product people mostly like on your page. Because your main goal is to get an audience who is interested in your brand which you are want to sell. It will definitely increase your page audience and help to grow your business in a more effective way.

Invite People to Get Likes

The 2nd way is getting likes by sending an invitation to users to like your page. When you run Facebook ads, Facebook will start sending you a notification to invite more people to like your page and also give you suggestions about people to whom you can invite. So you can get likes and followers through sending an invitation to the other people personally but the important thing which you should keep in mind do not send invitation too much at one time, otherwise, Facebook bans your page activity temporarily. So start sending an invitation but with a break of little time. Although Facebook will send you a notification about people’s invitation consistently, you have to ignore it and don’t spend too much invitation at a time. Do your work slowly so in future your page performance does not get down.

Invite People to Get Likes
Invite People to Get Likes

Make an Engaging Post

This is another best way to get more likes and followers on the Facebook page by creating engaging content which attracts more people like funny videos, memes, questioning type content where more people would do comment or funny content where people tag their friends and family members, it is the best and cost-effective way which I use to get free likes and followers. People share your post to their friend’s timeline and other pages if they like it. It also makes your page performance better without any rules violations of Facebook policy. It does not low the performance of your page but makes it better. But the result of the post always gives credit to the post creator.

Make an Engaging Post
Make an Engaging Post

Run a Giveaway

Running a giveaway is another good way to increase Facebook page likes and followers, Rafflecopter is a free giveaway post making website where you make your giveaway post and can share on different social media accounts, giveaway means you are giving any product free when people make a comment on your post, they will also share your post with their family members too. You can share your post on different platforms by giving the link of “visit my Facebook page” but don’t forget to share it on your Facebook page too.  I think it is the best way to engage more people on your Facebook page, people will do not lose this chance to get something free. So always make a giveaway post within a week and share it on different social media accounts.

Post a giveaway to get facebook page likes and followers
Post a giveaway to get Facebook page likes and followers

Post Some Audience interest Content

Post a content that gives some interesting facts to the users, like post some information about the personality of the person by asking some questions, and according to the answers of the audience, you give some information about their personality. Believe me, I try this method, people definitely comment on your post and also tag and share with their friend. I got a healthy Facebook page likes and followers through that type of post. As one example I posted below. according to the picture you can give the answers to each person who comments below.

Audience interest Content
Audience interest Content to get Facebook page likes and followers

Run Popup Facebook likes Ads on Your Website

Often you have seen on many websites where at the end they show some pop-up to subscribe to their website or share your email with them so you can get notification about their new post. As we know we need to increase our Facebook page likes and followers so we can grow our business in a more effective way. Here is another good way to increase our brand-related audience by posting a pop-up Facebook page likes ads on your website. Set a timer for the ads, if someone stays on your site for some seconds then a Pop-up ad to like your Facebook page should appear. OptionMonster is the best tool which I suggest to create a Facebook-like Ads Pop-up. But do not use more than one pop-up ad, because it’s annoying and it would not give a good effect on your users. They will leave your site instantly.

Run Popup Facebook likes Ads on Your Website
Run Popup Facebook likes Ads on Your Website

Make a Live Stream Video

You can make a live stream video of your products which you are selling. You have been seen so many viral videos that were live. If you have some new products in your store about your niche then you can show them live to your user. Or you can show all the samples to your audience so they make an order to the original thing. Fix a day by the announcement and tell the users, that day you will show all the products live. Facebook shows that video on a Facebook live map, that’s why you can see how many people are watching your video live. The higher number of viewers on your live video, Facebook will show you up in the news feed. It will definitely increase your Facebook page likes and followers.

Share Your Product with a Niche Fellow

To increase Facebook page likes and followers you have another strategy that is facebook influencer. People look for an influencer page which has a huge audience and shares their cool products and posts to Facebook.  Their posts are mostly shared at a wide range all over Facebook. They partnered with them so they can share their products with their page and grab users to your pages. This method works well if you have a super tight budget. You can make this strategy more useful if you can find your niche related website. For this, you should have to visit your niche related blog and make a partnership with them. If they accept your offer send them your product sample and ask to tag your Facebook page in their posts.  In this way, you can increase Facebook page likes and followers in a short span of time and related to your brand.

Share Your Product with a Niche Fellow

Tagged by other Big Brands Pages

Here we have one other tricky method to get more Facebook page likes and followers by getting tags on big brand pages. For this trick, you have to find your niche related brand pages and share their products with your post.  For example, if you have a niche of mobile phones then attach a sunglasses picture of that company with your post and tag that brand Facebook page. The brand’s pages are like to share such type of post with their audience. It is free of cost and effective methods to get free likes and business-related audiences. You can find multiple examples of such type of post on Facebook. Here we also have one example for you.

Tagged by other Big Brands Pages
Tagged by other Big Brands Pages

Schedule Your Post

Social media marketing is an important thing to promote your business on a daily basis. You have to share new posts about your new products. But what you have to do when you don’t have enough time for sharing the content of your brand on a regular base. Because you are too much busy in your store and sometimes you forget to post and share on your Facebook page. Here the Facebook provides you one useful feature of auto-sharing post on a specific time. In this method, you can schedule your all post of the week and can set the timer. On a specific day and time, the post will be auto-share to your page. You just have to give time just one or half-hour to schedule your whole week posts and give all other time of the week to your store without any tension. Here is one thing you should keep in mind don’t post only your brand-related posts but with the combination of interesting posts like funny memes, videos, and interesting content. So your Facebook page audience does not get bored and gets engaged to your page.

shedule posts to facebook page
schedule posts to Facebook page

Add a Facebook Like Widget

Here is another free tool to increase the Facebook page likes and followers of your Facebook page, a Facebook like a widget. There is an app on google name free Shopify app which adds a like icon to your specific page for example on your product pages. It also shows your page visitors that how many and who else like your Facebook page which gives a little proof to your audience about your page good impression. If you are willing to increase your Facebook page likes and followers then you must use this free tool to get an organic audience.

facebook popup ads by shopify

Attach Social Media Share Icon to Your Website

If you are a website owner then I surprised how you forget this free feature to use on your website. There are so many plugins available on the internet to attach social media links to your website. Add social media buttons to the top, sidebar, and also to the bottom of your website. Embed the link of your Facebook page to the button. This will definitely help you to increase the Facebook page likes and followers.

Social Media Share Icon to Your Website

Engage user through Video Content

It is observed that video content always gives a good response than other pictures or posts. Rather than focus on increasing likes and followers, try to build strong content on a daily basis which builds user trust and increases strong followers. Create a unique and interesting video about your brand so the user take interest in it. The more viewers view your video the more Facebook page likes and followers you will get on your page and by more potential followers you will be found.

Engage user through Video Content

Keep connected with your customer

It’s a big fault of any brand that does not connect with their community. Making a connection with your community does not only mean the selling of your products and asking about where to deliver their products, but you should have to engage your customer in your posts section too. As we have an example of a Netflix brand where they post funny answers to their customer comments and get attach to them as they are their fellows. As a result, customers take an interest in you and start following your page. They will like and comment on your posts on a daily base and it will definitely help to increase the Facebook page likes and followers. So don’t forget to build a relationship with your customer.

connection with your community

Tagged by your Customer

Often when people purchase any item they post its photos to their social media accounts. So, send an email to your customer and ask if they tag your page with their posts. It’s an authentic and free way to advertise your brand if 5 out of 10 customers tagged you in their posts you can get a healthy Facebook page likes and followers.

Tagged by your Customer

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